This Castle Is A Creature Of Chaos

  1. Dc Creature Chaos
  2. Dracula | Castlevania Wiki | Fandom

This Castle is a Creature of Chaos.It may take many incarnations. I'm actually going to pause a moment, to talk about a technique I've been using to keep track of the group's movement through the castle. 1 Details 2 Walkthrough 2.1 Head 2.2 Brain 2.3 Arms, legs and torso 2.4 Lightning 2.5 Lord Rologarth 3 Rewards 4 Note 5 Required for completing 6 Trivia Please note that if you are just looking to gain entrance to the Experiment cave, you do not need any of the items listed above, beyond any combat equipment you may want. Rather than following the walkthrough, skip to the 'Arms, legs,.

A new kind of Chaos


The Beginning

Diamond Dust trudged though the fresh powder snow with her head down, letting her muzzle into the snow. She let out a sigh and sat down in the snow. Although she was now technically an alicorn, she still felt the freezing cold wind go through her mane. It sent new chills up her spine. She looked up into the night sky, and watching the northern stars, she saw a blue alicorn raise into the sky to finish raising the moon.

Diamond's story was a long one, one she didn't like to tell again and again. She always summed her story up as her talent being manipulation. She became a student of Princess Celestia after she decided to leave Cloudsdale. It didn't take her long to realize that others thought of her a weird. Diamond may have caused a few problems between the other ponies, or it may have been the time she messed with a machine at the weather factory.

After she manipulated her parents into buying her a diamond, she earned her cutie mark, a diamond breaking in half. After she realized her true calling, she left Cloudsdale, now realizing that her true talent did not have anything to do with weather. She wanted to look for a city that would accept her talent of manipulation. What better city then the Capitol of Equestria?

Unfortunate, after a few failed scams, she was discarded by her partners and left on the streets. She was found by the Princess, on the outskirts of Canterlot. Celestia told her that she could help the Princess in a verity of ways. Celestia took Diamond as one of her students at the school for gifted unicorns. Diamond never fit in with the other ponies at the school, since she was the only Pegasus pony among all the unicorns. Celestia always assured Diamond that it was necessary for Diamond to take her classes, aside from magic classes since she didn't need to learn magic.

Celestia saw great potential in Diamond and decided she was ready for a change. Celestia gave Diamond magical potential, by giving her a horn to use for magic. Celestia's worst nightmares came true that day.

Dc Creature Chaos

After Diamond was given such magic, something inside her snapped. She rose out of her normal behaviour and became a pony bent on bring destruction. She destroyed parts of the Canterlot Castle, and destroyed many artifacts that were of great importance to Celestia. The white alicorn rose against her favoured student and removed her from Canterlot. Since then, Diamond had always wandered Equestria for a new home. She missed Canterlot, she missed Celestia, and mostly, she missed spending time with Luna.

Diamond continued to trudge through the snow, trying to get the snowflakes out of her purple and sky blue mane. She didn't mind the snowflakes that stuck to her snow white coat. The cold wind blew through her wavy mane, causing new snowflakes to get caught in her curls. Diamond huffed, 'What have I done to deserve this? I can't help it if I love to create chaos! If they could only understand...' Diamond finished, as she started to cry. Her tears turned into ice crystals before they hit the ground.

'What is wrong, my dear?' said a strange voice.

Diamond looked up to see a creature she had never seen before. A strange creature that seemed to be made up of all kinds of creatures. Aside from the different parts of him, she thought he looked kind of cute. In a way. 'Um, who are you?' Diamond asked the strange creature.

'Why, I go by many names.' said the creature. 'But I prefer if you would call me Discord.'

'Discord.' Diamond said, trying the name out on her tongue. The name sounded like he looked. His name suited him.

'Yes, and what is your name?' asked Discord.

'Oh, it's Diamond Dust.' said Diamond.

'Hmm, Diamond Dust. I think I'll call you Diamond.' said Discord.

'Okay. I have another question for you. Why are you here?' Diamond asked.

'Why, I sensed there was another disharmonious spirit in Equestria. So I decided to come see who it is. It looks like that disharmonious spirit is you. Is this true.' asked Discord, now having a sad frown on his face.

Diamond wanted to lie and say she was perfectly happy, but she looked at herself. She was sitting in the snow. How much sadder could she get? 'Yeah, it's me.' Diamond said, still looking away from Discord. She was surprised to feel a soft paw lift her face up.

'Why are you so sad?' asked Discord, looking into her purple eyes for the first time. Diamond began to blush a bright red that burst across her face. Diamond always felt uncomfortable around stallions, even if this one was not technically a pony. Discord was still a male creature.


'You see...' Diamond started, turning away from Discord. 'All I can do for others is cause chaos. The only thing I can do is manipulate other ponies. No pony wants me around.' Diamond finished, now having tears in her eyes. As she blinked, the tears trickled down her cheeks and created ice crystals on her face. Discord used his paw to wipe away her liquid and solid tears from her face.

'I want you around.' Discord said. He realized his mistake in words, as Diamond turned to him with her blush even brighter. 'I mean, I don't think you are so bad. You see, you're not the only one that causes chaos. You see, I am Discord. The lord of Chaos.'

Diamond finally remembered that name. She recalled Celestia teaching her about the praise of disharmony. Celestia always taught her to never say discord. No wonder Diamond loved to say his name. 'Oh, I'm so sorry. I should have known that you were a lord.' Diamond said, now taking a bow in front of the draconaquus.

'No, you don't have to do that.' said Discord, using his tail to lift her back onto her hooves. 'You see, I gave myself that title when I took over Equestria. I thought that it would help to keep ponies away from me. But that obviously didn't stop the princesses.' Discord said.

'Princess? You mean Celestia and Luna?' asked Diamond.

'Yes, so you do know them. So I guess you know their history too right?' said Discord.

'Um, yeah.' said Diamond.

'But aren't you a princess to, right?' asked Discord.

'Well, actually that's a long story.' said Diamond.

'Well, maybe we should get out of the cold now. Why don't you stay with me at my house?' said Discord.

Diamond was confused. She had just meet this guy, and now he wanted her to stay at his house. Though it was a bit strange for her, she had not had a good night sleep in a long time. She nodded her head to say yes to him.

'Splendid!' Discord said, picking up Diamond and holding on to her with is lion arm, while he snapped his eagle talons and teleported himself and Diamond.

Dracula | Castlevania Wiki | Fandom

When Diamond opened her eyes, she saw herself in front of a strange, multi coloured castle in the mountains. 'So...' Discord spoke up. 'You like how I decorated my house.'

'Yeah, I love it.' said Diamond, gazing at the castle. She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. Something inside of her seemed to snap, like before. She quickly shoke her head to snap herself out of it. Discord began to lead her inside. He snapped his talons again to open the doors vertically. 'How chaotic!' Diamond thought to herself.


Diamond looked at the inside interior. There were leather chairs of all sizes, a six story glass table, a vertical fireplace burning purple flames, and many portraits of Discord. One portrait caught Diamond's eye, one with Discord looking heroic and him having one foot standing on a small rock, holding up the Equestrian flag. This picture made Diamond giggle to herself.

'Well, I think I'll put your room here.' Discord said, snapping his lion paw and creating a purple door with blue sparkles along the hallway wall. He then snapped his eagle talons and moved a door from down the hallway right next to the purple door. 'If you need anything, my room is right here.' Discord said, as he walked over to the plain door and opened it. He turned to see Diamond one more time, then smiled and turned away. 'I will see you in the morning, my dear.' He said as he slipped in the room and closed the door behind him.

Diamond headed to the purple door and used her magic to open the door. She watched the doorknob glow purple and move to have the door open. As she walked into the room, she noticed that the bed was connected to the wall and scaled up the wall too. At least it was upright. She opened her elegant looking wings to fly up to the bed. She used her magic to lift the blanket, and set herself on the bed, releasing her magic to have the blanket fall onto her cold body.

This was no doubt, the softest, comfiest bed she had ever laid in. Both the mattress and the blanket were warming her up quite quickly. The pill was not too soft, but it was not too hard either. She opened her eyes to find her room was a light mint green on two walls and lavender on the other two walls. All the furniture was either on the roof, or scaling the walls like her bed.

Personally, she didn't mind this furniture arrangement. She could fly to the walls and use gravity spells on herself to get to the furniture on the ceiling. She loved how the whole room was full of chaotic arrangements. This pulled the feeling she felt before to grow even stronger in her. 'What is this feeling' Diamond asked herself. 'Could this be...' She soon fell asleep after her night of strange encounters.

Discord peeked in her room and whispered something to her. 'Yes, Diamond. Maybe this is Chaos.' He finished as he quietly shut her door.