Soal Ujian Tugas Akhir Program Pgsd Ut

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Tugas Akhir Uin Walisongo

Soal Ujian UT PGSD PDGK4500 Tugas Akhir Program (TAP) Soal Ujian UT PGSD IDIK4012 Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Soal Ujian UT PGSD PEBI 4223 Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Khusus Program S1 Agribisnis Bidang Minat Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian, nilai Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) minimal C. Program Diploma. Lulus semua mata kuliah yang. Soal ujian UT PGPAUD PAUD4500 Tugas Akhir Program (TAP) beserta kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soal kami sajikan untuk Anda Mahasiswa UT (Universitas Terbuka) Pendas jurusan S1 PGPAUD (Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) yang sekarang ini sedang menempuh pindidikan pada semester 9.

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the possibility to build 3D models using Structure from Motion (SfM) approach and images generated by sensors mounted on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) aerial platform. Using UAV platform it is.. more
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the possibility to build 3D models using Structure from Motion (SfM) approach and images generated by sensors mounted on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) aerial platform. Using UAV platform it is impossible to obtain information on the intrados of the arches since the gimbal of the UAV allows camera rotation only from the nadir to the horizontal position. To overcome this limitation, a special low-cost solution was developed. This solution involved the application of a further camera (smartphone) mounted on the drone to take zenith images. In fact, the creation of a dataset of zenith images with nadir and oblique images generated by the camera supplied in the drone, suggested the possibility of building 3D models. In order to reach this aim, in the first part of the experimentation we tested the level of integration and accuracy achievable from the point clouds generated by single sensor on 3D test-field. Once verified the appropriate geometrical integration, a suitable image-based method was developed to obtain 3D models of masonry bridges. Indeed, the methodology and architecture developed was applied to create a 3D model of a masonry bridge built in the middle of 1800s and located in the south of Italy, of special architectural and historic value. M. Pepe, L. Fregonese and N. Crocetto
    • by IAEME Publication
    • Photogrammetry, Uav, Digital Cultural Heritage, SfM
The US Army has a total of nearly 6,000 rotary, fixed wing, and unmanned aircraft, which is more air systems than many of the air forces in the world. The aviation portfolio represents approximately 25 percent of the Army equipping.. more
The US Army has a total of nearly 6,000 rotary, fixed wing, and unmanned aircraft, which is more air systems than many of the air forces in the world. The aviation portfolio represents approximately 25 percent of the Army equipping budget, the single largest equipment portfolio in the Army. After seventeen years of continuous combat the current helicopter fleet is decades old and worn. Substantial improvements to Cold War era designs are required to meet current and future threats. To accomplish this plan, Program Executive Office (PEO) Aviation, which is responsible for leading and executing the Army's Life Cycle Management for Aviation Weapon Systems, has established eight Acquisition Category One programs. These programs are: the AH-64E Apache; the CH-47F Chinook; the UH-60M Black Hawk; the UH-72A Lakota; the Improved Turbine Engine Program; the MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft system, and the RQ-7B Shadow Tactical UAS. In addition to these priorities is the looming decision on the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) design. © John Antal 2018
    • by John Antal
    • Tactics (Military Science), War Studies, Aviation, HELICOPTER DESIGN
For the past few years the study of Unmanned aerial vehicle is getting more popularity. Nowadays it started to getting popularity not only in military sectors but also in commercial aircrafts and as well as other engineering sections. The.. more
For the past few years the study of Unmanned aerial vehicle is getting more popularity. Nowadays it started to getting popularity not only in military sectors but also in commercial aircrafts and as well as other engineering sections. The present creation's sidearm recovery system empowers huge Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) to work from Small vessels or from ground destinations with an insignificant impression. The sidearm recovery system permits capturing a UAS free of a runway. On the ground or on a ship, the system makes utilization of a particular crane system that incorporates catch and vitality retention gadgets. A fuselage-mounted top hook Snags a flat cable and the capturing powers act in the plane of symmetry through the focal structure of the UAS. After the catch vitality is ingested, the recovery system securely brings down the aerial vehicle to the ground. A similar system can be consolidated into a launcher and retriever system which additionally diminishes the impression by disposing of the requirement for a different launcher.
All the simulation works have been done in Patran & Nastran. Patran & Nastran is a very suitable tool for analysis of structural design and modeling. In the thesis, I work for the structure design and deformation for the applied loads.
    • by Sabuj MD Rokibujjaman
    • Finite Element Methods, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Uas, Cranes
    • by Ulvia Variana Hasanah
    • Molecular Biology, Uas, usbn biologi
    • by Sena Aditya
    • Uas
This paper examines counter-drone solutions and suggests that a satisfactory solution is one that is successful at detecting, identifying, and, if appropriate, mitigating a wide range of hostile drones with minimal human oversight. This.. more
This paper examines counter-drone solutions and suggests that a satisfactory solution is one that is successful at detecting, identifying, and, if appropriate, mitigating a wide range of hostile drones with minimal human oversight. This paper then evaluates the landscape of counter-drone technologies to examine their benefits and drawbacks. While no counter-drone solution is a silver bullet, this paper ultimately endorses non-kinetic, low-power, “smart jamming” counter-drone solutions as supreme.
    • by Ryan Jenkins
    • Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV and Aircraft control, UAV systems
Among other techniques, aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry have long been used to control the displacements of landslides and glaciers as well as for the detection of terrain morphological changes. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are.. more

Tugas Akhir Tkj

Among other techniques, aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry have long been used to control the displacements of landslides and glaciers as well as for the detection of terrain morphological changes. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are today an efficient tool to perform data acquisition in rough or difficult terrain, both safely and quickly, avoiding hazards and risks for the operators while at the same time containing the survey costs. Since 2012 ARPAVdA (the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley, Italy) periodically surveys with UAS photogrammetry the Gran Sometta rock glacier, the Agency main monitoring site for the climate change impacts on high-mountain areas and related infras-tructures. A Digital Surface Model (DSM) and an orthophoto of the rock glacier are produced after each survey flight. In order to accurately georeference them in a stable reference system, a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) campaign is carried out at each epoch, to update the coordinates of signalised Ground Control Points (GCPs), since they partly lay in unstable (moving) areas. In late August 2015 a survey flight has been executed with a senseFly eBee RTK, with differential corrections sent from a ground reference station. The block has been adjusted without GCP using, as control information, only the projection centres coordinates encoded in the images. The RMS of the differences found on twelve Check Points were about 4 cm in horizontal and 7 cm in elevation, i.e. practically the same accuracy found using GCP. Differences between the DSMs produced at the same epoch with block orientation performed with GCP and with GNSS-determined projection centres were also investigated. To evaluate the rock glacier displacement fields between two epochs, corresponding features were at first manually identified on the orthophotos by a trained operator. To avoid the manual time-consuming procedure and increase the density of displacement information, two automatic procedures, the former using Least Squares Matching (LSM) and the latter a proprietary implementation of Semi-Global Matching (SGM) have been implemented. Both techniques were applied to pairs of orthophotos as well as to pairs of DSMs at different epochs. A discussion of the characteristics of the implemented methods is provided and the results of the comparison of the two methods with manual measurements are illustrated. Overall, results using DSM matching provided higher completeness of the displacement field than orthophoto matching, especially if long-term (year-to-year) comparisons are considered. At the same time, SGM in both cases produced less mismatches and more smooth and reliable displacement fields than LSM.
    • by Marina Santise
    • Automation, Change detection, Monitoring, UAV systems
    • by Victor H. Angulo Ruiz
    • Historia, Nueva York, Uas, Presentacion
    • by Azhar Zaki A.K
    • Uas
    • by Safira Sarah Noor
    • 2
      Tugas kuliah, Uas
Media Televisi seringkali mengobjektifikasi perempuan dan mengeksploitais tubuh perempuan dalam tayangan nya sebagai nilai jual. Hal ini menciptakan sebuah stereotipe buruk mengenai perempuan yang sudah tertanam kuat di pikiran khalayak.. more
Media Televisi seringkali mengobjektifikasi perempuan dan mengeksploitais tubuh perempuan dalam tayangan nya sebagai nilai jual. Hal ini menciptakan sebuah stereotipe buruk mengenai perempuan yang sudah tertanam kuat di pikiran khalayak. Perempuan-perempuan yang tampil dalam program-program “khusus” secara tidak sadar dirugikan karena telah di objektifikasi dan dieksploitasi tubuhnya oleh media.
    • by Safira Sarah Noor
    • Tugas kuliah, Uas
Nama : Isnina Intan Cahya NIM : 111315000105 Kelas : 7B Email : Judul : Pemikiran Politik Imam Khomeini Abstrak Dalam kehidupan dewasa kini, Islam mulai di guncang dengan berbagai isu dan tindakan.. more
Nama : Isnina Intan Cahya NIM : 111315000105 Kelas : 7B Email : Judul : Pemikiran Politik Imam Khomeini Abstrak Dalam kehidupan dewasa kini, Islam mulai di guncang dengan berbagai isu dan tindakan yang begitu fenomenal. Walaupun negara Indonesia sudah terbebas dari penjajahan secara fisik namun sampai detik ini, saya merasa bahwa Indonesia masih dijajah secara mental dan psikologis. Sebagai negara pemeluk agama Islam terbesar di dunia, Indonesia selalu dijadikan ladang dalam mengarap kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh segelintir orang yang sudah menyelewengkan beberapa tindakan yang seharusnya sejalan dengan agama Islam namun berbeda penafsirannya. Ada begitu banyak aliran dalam Islam seperti HTI, Syi'ah, dan Sunni. Hukum-hukum semua aliran tersebut berasal dari satu sumber yaitu Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Rasul. Mereka semua meyakini bahwa Allah SWT merupakan pencipta seluruh alam dan jagat raya ini, dan juga mereka percaya bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan Nabi terakhir yang diutus oleh Allah SWT sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam. Visi dan misi merekapun hampir sama yaitu mendirikan sebuah negara yang berlandaskan dengan hukum Islam dan sekaligus menyebarkan agama Islam (berdakwah) dengan cara adanya seorang anggota pemerintahan yang merupakan anggota aliran tersebut sehingga hukum yang ada di negara tersebut berlandaskan pada agama Islam. Aliran Syi'ah merupakan aliran yang sering sekali ditakutkan sebagai ancaman bagi Islam Sunni. Syi'ah terkenal di negara Iran. Republik Islam Iran adalah sebuah negara yang telah melalui rentang sejarah yang cukup panjang. Di masa lalu (mulai dari abad VI SM), Iran (dulu dikenal dengan nama Persia) merupakan salah satu imperium terbesar di dunia selain Romawi. Selama itu pula bangsa Iran berhasil membangun peradabannya hingga diakui sebagai salah satu bangsa yang paling berperadaban dalam sejarah. Sejak dahulu, bangsa Iran termasuk bangsa yang diperhitungkan dalam kancah perpolitikan dan peradaban dunia. Dalam peta dunia Islam, Iran merupakan representasi kawasan Persia dengan penduduk mayoritas menganut paham Syiah Imamiyah. Paham Syiah Imamiyah mendapat tempat yang istimewa sebagai mazhab resmi negara sejak berdirinya dinasti Shafawi (tahun 1501).2 Sejak itu, ajaran Syiah Imamiyah memberikan pengaruh secara dominan dalam struktur sosial dan kehidupan masyarakat Iran. Sejak revolusi Islam 1979 yang dipimpin oleh Ayatullah Khomeini, Iran pun mengukir sejarah baru dalam babakan sejarah politiknya, menjadi Republik Islam dengan sistem Wilayat al-Faqih sebagai sistem pemerintahannya. Dari segi politik, Iran menampilkan corak yang khas dalam pemikiran dan sistem politik Islam dengan kepemimpnan Negara yang dipegang oleh para ulama (mullah). Sistem Wilayat al-Faqih merupakan ijtihad politik dari Ayatullah Khomeini yang didasarkan pada doktrin Imamah dalam Syiah Imamiyah. 1 Kata kunci : Syi'ah, Imamah, Bentuk Pemerintahan Islam, Wilayah al-Faqih dan Khums Pemikiran Politik Imam Khomeini 1. Sejarah Syi'ah Setidaknya ada tiga pendapat lahirnya Syiah. Pertama, bahwa istilah Syiah sudah dilekatkan oleh Rasulullah saw kepada Ali bin Abi Thalib ra dan pengikutnya. Pertama, dalam Al-Quran, istilah Syiah digunakan pada 12 tempat16seperti dalam ayat ' .. dan sesungguhnya Ibrahim itu benar-benar termasuk golongannya (syiatihi) ' (QS Ash-Shaffat ayat 83) dan ' .. kemudian pasti akan kami tarik dari setiap golongan (syiah) siapa di antara mereka yang sangat durhaka kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah ' (QS Maryam ayat 69). Kedua, Syiah dilekatkan pada orang-orang Islam yang tidak membaiat Abu Bakar ketika peristiwa Saqifah karena meyakini Ali sebagai washi. Ketiga, Syiah dilekatkan pada umat Islam yang setia bersama Ali setelah peristiwa tahkim (perundingan) yang mengakhiri Perang Shiffin. Dalam perang antara pasukan Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan melawan pasukan Khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib, Dalam sejarah, Syiah Ali ini mengalami perkembangan dan terbagi dalam golongan-golongan yang satu sama lain memiliki perbedaan dalam kepemimpinan. Ada mazhab Syiah yang masih dalam ajaran Islam dan ada pula yang dianggap menyimpang. Syiah yang masih termasuk dalam agama Islam, menurut Allamah Muhammad Husein Thabathabai, adalah Imamiyah (Itsna Asyariyah),Zaidiyah,dan Ismailiyah.Sedangkan yang menyimpang adalah Rafidhah, Ghulat, dan Alawi 2. Kaum Syiah meyakini konsepsi politik berasal bagian dari ushuluddin, khususnya rukun imamah. Para ulama Syiah berdasarkan ajaran Islam memahami bahwa Allah selaku pemegang otoritas tertinggi dalam agama Islam memilih utusan-Nya yang terpilih, Nabi Muhammad saw, untuk membawa risalah Islam dan menyebarkannya ke seluruh umat manusia sampai menjelang Kiamat. Peran Nabi Muhammad saw di dunia adalah pembawa syariat dan pembimbing umat manusia. Seiring dengan wafatnya Nabi Muhammad saw maka agama Islam menjadi penutup hingga Kiamat. Meski pembawa ajaran agama Islam tidak ada, tetapi risalah Ilahi berupa ajaran agama Islam tidak berakhir karena penyebaran dan bimbingan dalam agama dilanjutkan para Imam pilihan Rasulullah SAW dari Ahlulbait. 3 2. Imamah Al-Imamah dalam madzhab pemikiran Syi'ah adalah kepemimpinan progresif dan revolusioner yang bertentangan dengan rezim-rezim politik lainnya ,guna membimbing manusia serta membangun masyarakat diatas pondasi yang benar dan kuat, yang bakal mengarahkan menuju kesadaran, pertumbuhan dan kemandirian dalam mengambil keputusan. Dalam kultur Safawi, imamah sama artinya dengan beriman kepada dua belas imam yang suci dan supranatural, yang setiap orang harus memuja dan memulyakannya dan mengikutinya dan menjadikan mereka sebagai suri teladan dalam segenap prilaku personal dan sosial mereka. Otoritas seorang imam berhak menuntut ketaatan dari para pengikutnya kendatipun ia tidak memiliki kekuasaan politis. Dalam hal ini terlihat jelas dalam kemampuan seorang imam untuk menginterpretasikan wahyu ilahi secara otoritatif. Apa yang diputuskan para imam, wakil-wakil yang dapat membangkitkan suatu kepercayaan baik dikalangan biasa (awam) maupun elit (alim) Syi'ah untuk mencapai otoritatif dalam kosmologi mereka yaitu sistem keagamaan mereka. Menurut Mahmud Salabi, imam dua belas yang dijadikan sebagai pemimpin oleh kaum Syi'ah antara lain adalah
    • by Isnina Cahya
    • by Raihan Alya Shafira

Soal Ujian Tugas Akhir Program Pgsd Utang

    • by Risma Pambudi
    • Uas
Soal ujian tugas akhir program pgsd utang
    • by Risma Pambudi
    • Uas

Tugas Akhir Tkj

    • by kukuh sp
    • Algorithms, Web Applications, PHP Programming, Html5

Tugas Akhir Elektronika

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done.. more

Tugas Akhir Teknik Mesin

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. You are welcome to suggest another topic/chapter title if you feel it would be more suitable. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional information (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have agreed to contribute to the book. Visit http:// to get all information you need as a contributor to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (based on approximately 550 words per page with a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send me the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new results for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration.

Soal Ujian Smp

    • by Vania V Estrela
    • Robotics, Computer Science, Computer Graphics, Robotics (Computer Science)