Luger Serial Number Suffix

Numbering usually went from 1-9,999 then 1a to 9999a, then 1b to 9999b, etc., although there is conflicting discussions on whether the serial numbers went from 1 – 9999 or whether they were 1 – 10,000. I have seen pictures of guns marked both ways, 9,999 and 10,000. Therefore, you can have serial number duplicates - including the suffix letter - and the only way to tell them apart is the year and the maker as both Erfurt and DWM used the same serial number system. Commercial Lugers were numbered differently. Note also that the receiver has been 'notched' in front of the date.

The.45 Luger prototype serial number 2, believed to have been a back-up to Serial Number 1, survived the 1907 trials and is in private ownership. Its rarity gives its value of around US$1 million at the time the 'Million Dollar Guns' episode of History Channel 's ' Tales of the Gun ' was filmed, 28 recheck by Guns & Ammo as of 1994. Luger Identification Guide - Rework and non-DWM Lugers (1915-1945) This is one of a series of identification guides for small arms. The 1920 dated and double dated rework Lugers (DWM and Erfurt) are in the 'Lugers - DWM Commercial 1898-1929' Gallery.

1938 Mauser S/42 SOLD

Genuine German Luger - Largest Variety of Lugers Offered
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This is a 1938 Chamber dated Mauser S/42 Code built for the German army. This Parabellum is 9mm with a 4' (100mm) barrel that is proofed and serial numbered to the gun. Serial number placement is in the military 'exposed' style. The thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' and extractor 'Geladen.' This example has all matching numbers. This is an all matching Parabellum with a matching magazines. (1247)

NOTE: Photographs taken today with the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see with the human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and natural surface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinary handling of the weapon. Photographs are copyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction or display of gun pictures without the express consent of the Phoenix Investment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation. Please visit Legal (tabbed) for Conditions of Sale.

The Treaty of Versailles placed severe restrictions on the German armaments industry. To thwart these limitation and permit a modern rearmament from 1925 the Germans used a system of alphabetical letters to represent the years A-1925, Z-1926, N-1927, T-1928, R-1929, B-1930, E-1931, O-1932, N-1933, K-1934, G-1935. In January 1936 this order was rescinded and the full four digit date (1936) was directed.

The extractor is marked 'GELADEN'. The bore is good with distinctive lands and groove. The thumb safety is new style, and blued. The thumb safety is marked 'Gesichert' and safe is down. This is very nice battlefield bring back with a short sear, type II magazine and stock lug.
Serial number placement is in the military ('exposed') style; displayed on the left side of the receiver, the side plate, the locking bolt, the sear bar safety, the extractor, the forward toggle link, the front of the frame, under the barrel, and on the side of the trigger. See Kenyon, Lugers At Random, Page 276
This Luger has been cared for over 78 years now. It is looking for a good home. It is very difficult to find an all matching serial numbered gun and a matching magazine. This is a premium 1938 for the serious collector who demands the best in collectable Lugers. This is a very clean gun with an excellent barrel and all matching magazine.
The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the left side of the receiver, under the barrel and the last two digits on most small parts. The firing pin is original and serial numbered to the gun. All serial numbers match including the magazine The magazine is blue sleeved with aluminum pinned bottom and are proofed with the straight wing Eagle 63. Proof marks are well struck and clearly visible.
This is a splendid example of the 1938 Parabellum with a pre-war gun on the Mauser built frame, polished and salt blued. 1938 found Mauser in the late 'a' suffix block and it proceeded to produce approximately 111,962 Parabellums.

Imperial Lugers Serial Number

Acceptance stamps began in the Imperial era with a crowned Gothic character and were personalized to an individual inspector. When Germany became a Republic in 1918 the State Eagle or Reichsadler replaced the Imperial Crown in acceptance stamps. At the end of production the guns were brought before bluing for inspection and the serial numbers were applied and the testing occurred to achieve the final acceptance proof.

Here we can see the early Mauser Eagle 63 proofs with the Straight Wing and the early Waffenamt (Ordinance) drooped wing acceptance stamp. Sometimes there is an Eagle 83 but this inspector is very rare.
The underside picture shows the full serial number under the barrel and the receiver with the last two digits on the locking lever an the side plate. The grips are marked with the last two digits of the serial number and are in excellent condition.
Above Left: The stick wing Eagle 63 clearly shows on the right sig along with the Test Proof 2 stamp on the receiver and the barrel. This last proof was assigned after passing the pressure test of over-loaded rounds. Above Right: The left side exhibits the full four digits of the serial number and then the last two digits of the serial number.
The extractor displaying 'GELADEN' (Loaded) protrudes from the breech to indicate to the shooter that the gun is loaded by visually and tactilely that the gun is loaded, even at night.

1938 saw the complete implementation of the reinforced Mauser frame the 2mm 'hump' on the rear of the frame to protect the rear main axel pin and another noticeable identification, the small machined dimple in the track of the stock lug. The hot salt treatment continued to produce some small parts in the 'plum' color caused by temperature of the bluing process. Barrels were 100mm and are predominantly marked with the barrel gauge between 8.81-8.83.

This is a standard 1934 Model gun designated by collectors as the 1938 'S/42' Mauser. This Luger has all matching numbers. The finish is very good and this model has a hold open latch and stock lug. The first toggle link is marked with the S/42 Mauser code. There is the 'V' rear sight on the rear toggle link and the last two digits of the serial number appear. This is a basic excellent collector gun with all matching numbers.

Above Left: With the side plate removed you can see the trigger with the last two digits also on the locking lever.

Above Right: You can see the Parabellum in full recoil. We can also see the rear of the frame with a 2mm extension at the rear indicating a Mauser made frame. The 'thumb down' safety positions exposes the 'Gesichert' (Safe) telling the shooter the gun is safe. You can also see the sear stop (serial numbered '43') in the up position. In 1932 the Reichswehrministerium issued an order that the rear connecting pin be serial numbered to the gun.

One of the changes in 1938 was the transition from one type of S/42 to another; more a search of collectors but worth noting. A new die was created in early 1938 and the evidence is most easily seen in the '4' of the S/42. The early 1938 '4' had the more open top as opposed to the the latter that was more closed at the top. A very minor difference but like a misstruck coin it is a distinction and duly noted by collectors between the 'b' and 'c' block.

The 1938 Mauser represents the completion of the factory switch from the rust blued to the salt blued finish. On the toggle train the breech block has the last two digits from the serial number and the Trial Proof 2 while the 1st toggle has the last two digits of the serial number on top. The rear toggle link has the serial number on the rear.

Here is the inside of the Luger and you can see it is clean and has been well cared for over the years. The trigger is serial numbered as well as the rear main axel pin. The action is tight and the barrel is excellent.There is honest holster wear on the muzzle, barrel and high points on the sides. The barrel is shiny and shows distinct lands and grooves.
The front and rear of P-08. The front of the frame displays the full serial number and the suffix 'n'. The rear toggle is marked with the last two digits of the serial number and the 'V' rear sight. Also on the rear is the lanyard loop used by calvary troops.
The most distinctive feature of these pistols is undoubtedly the toggle-lock mechanism, which holds the breech closed by locking in a manner not unlike the human knee, which can sustain a heavy weight when straight, but once bent is quite easy to continue to bend. The toggle joint in its straight position resists the rearward force of the detonating cartridge, then 'buckles' after enough time has passed. When a round is fired the entire breech, barrel and toggle move straight rearward (on rails) until the toggle begins to ride up on a pair of cams that 'breaks' the toggle (makes it bend at the joint). Once the toggle joint is no longer straight, it bends freely, allowing the bolt to come rearward, and the striker to be cocked. The spent cartridge is extracted by a combination extractor/loaded chamber indicator on the top of the toggle, is ejected as the toggle nears the end of its rearward Free Travel Info, and a new round is stripped from the magazine and chambered as the toggle is driven back to the straight position by a spring.
It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder. We strive to provide pictures so you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria.Any questions or request for additional purchases email to
This 1938 Mauser S/42 Code battlefield pickup is an all matching P08, with a matching magazine. The small parts are straw blued, the rear frame has a Mauser 2mm hump. This fine grade Parabellum is offered for $2,895,00 over-the-counter.

We reserve the right to sell any internet offering to a direct sale and do not warrant the availability of any firearm that does not have a physical deposit. This gun may be withdrawn without notice for in-store sale. Call for availability. Any questions or request for additional purchases email to

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WARNING: We do not represent these guns as safe to fire. They are not test fired before sale; they are sold as collectibles only. Prior to firing you should have it inspected by a qualified individual and abide by all safety requirements.

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Luger Serial Number Suffixes

This 3-line GENUINE stamped SAFE and LOADED marked Stoeger Luger has features and characteristics that will satisfy most Stoeger Luger collectors. It has all matching serial numbers, except for the original unmarked wooden grips.The full V suffix serial number is located on the frame, just above the through-the-blue GERMANY export stamp and on the replacement 120 mm 30 Cal Mauser c/c/U proofed barrel underside and most interestingly, 498V is stamped on the aluminum bottom magazine, along with 7.65, a rare combination. Pictured are:

Due to its higher serial number (400V - 524V), based on a sequential order of serial numbers, which may not be correct, mostly because it has the added third-line frame rail GENUINE stamp applied by Mauser prior to shipment, it is probably not one of the first batch of Lugers delivered to A.F. Stoeger, Inc. In New York. The gun was transferred from BKIW to Mauser with a 98mm, 30 Cal barrel installed in a spare 1906 – 1909 short frame receiver with a first variation American Eagle roll die stamped chamber crest with rounded tail feathers.The manufacturing date and spare status of the receiver is based on an unstamped stop lug and pin wheel type factory inspection stamp located on the receiver underside, adjacent to the stop lug. 498v was probably completely assembled, partially serialized, and in the white, prior to being transferred to Mauser in May 1930 based on the added Mauser c/c/U proof applied to the DWM Loaded extractor/breechblock, prior to bluing. 498V was received by Mauser in-the-white, completely assembled with the 3-line inscription with an added, through-the-blue GENUINE stamping to a 1920s DWM manufactured SAFE marked frame with the C/N proofed 98mm barrel with V suffix serial number 498 font style stamping.

As to why the full serial number 498 is stamped on the receiver left side in the military style is unclear, however, presented is a theory put forth by Geoff Sturgess that mostly explains why most Stoeger receivers do not have the military receiver numbering: DWM seems to have instituted this practice when they changed over to military serial numbering with suffix for commercial pistols at the i suffix. However, the Stoeger SAFE marked frames and 2 line receivers seem to have all been made as a batch predating this, some obviously being early pre WWI spares, as even late Stoeger DWM 2 line guns, such as the 150 mm barrels examples I had in the u suffix range, and most of the v suffix Stoeger guns, do not have this numbering, which is also absent on other non-standard configuration commercial guns of this post 5-digit sn period, some also using old spare receivers like the AE Stoeger Lugers.

Since it is apparent that the commercial receiver numbering appears to have both commenced and ceased in the i-suffix, Sturgess seems to think this is because most of DWM's commercial 1920s production was allocated numbers in this suffix block regardless of when they were made, and the other suffices of the period (j - u) were almost entirely military (Army and Navy) or police guns which required receiver left hand side serial numbers under regulations, and the police guns were commercially proofed also. The commercial pistols after the i-suffix seem mostly to have been Stoeger 2 line guns which used the batch of receivers without previously mentioned, which pop up at random in the j - u suffix ranges as ordered.

The above explanations seem to support the idea that, for whatever reason, the 498 receiver stamping was done by Mauser. If one accepts the fact that the receiver, as a spare and unmarked assembly was delivered to Mauser C/N proofed with a short 4-inch, 30 Cal barrel and C/N proofed was replaced by Mauser with a 4¾-inch barrel with the 498 receiver stamping, being under the blue, then the receiver assembly was received in the white and subsequently blued by Mauser. Since the frame serial number is also stamped under the blue and is identical in font style and size to the receiver stamped serial number, then the frame was also blued by Mauser with the GENUINE stamp applied after, through-the-blue, when later requested by Stoeger, prior to shipping.

Sturgess further states regarding the serialization of 498 that: I have always thought it most likely that these were serial numbered in Oberndorf as they occur as a group, well after the previous group of Stoeger guns in the 87xx u group, which are surrounded on both sides by police 9 mm P.08s of the u suffix and very low v suffix blocks, all made up and proofed in Berlin. DWM would not have known of any further call off of guns by Stoeger before the time of transfer to Oberndorf and would not have serialled these Stoeger components without orders, as it is noticeable that the later DWM Stoegers (u suffix) were made in small batches of 40 or so consecutive serial numbers, implying orders fulfilled as a group when ordered by Stoeger, even when rebarrelled (as the 10xx u Navys) by Mauser after DWM transferred production, and so I think these low v suffix Stoeger guns were made up and serialled by Mauser from DWM part finished Stoeger marked components.


Luger Serial Number Suffix

Since the aluminum bottom magazine is also stamped 498 in the same font style and size it is also presumed to be stamped by Mauser, however, Sturgess had some additional thoughts regarding V suffix stamped Mauser magazines: Mauser v suffix mag numbers seem rather random among commercial guns, though the v suffix military foreign contract guns were numbered with the suffix. However, I had a Swiss commercial gun with a numbered magazine and have seen several others, but cannot recall other Stoeger Lugers. The 7.65 is not unique, I had a couple of guns of this period with otherwise plain mag bases marked 7.65, and one or two also marked 9 m/m - no real idea why this was done, considering the effective interchangeability of 7,65 and 9 mm ammo in these magazines. The v suffix on this magazine is a very curious shape, quite unlike other v suffixes, with a very long leading upstroke and no visible tail. Note, the V does have a tail, albeit lightly stamped.

498V is also described in The Mauser Parabellum 1930 – 1946 by D. Hallock and Joop van de Kant on page 442 in Table 24-02 titled: Reported 3-line Stoeger Lugers # 400V – 524V (1930 – 1937) as a 3-line GENUINE marked gun, unfortunately, again as is 460V, incorrectly identified, in this case as a 9 mm caliber, 6-inch barrel, not a 7.65mm, 4¾-inch c/c/U proofed barrel.

Luger Serial Number Suffix Letters

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